Friday, April 16, 2010


Mother Theresa says, "Kindness converts more people than zeal, science, or eloquence." So true, isn't it. Our hearts touched by the kindness of another can bring us closer to the face of God, if we let it. How many times do we embrace the kindness placed before us? Or is it easier to pass it off because we want to think there is an impure motive behind it. I know we've all encountered this situation, but let us assume the kindness is pure, and, even if it's not let's accept it as if it were. This is where we can begin to change for the better. Once mastered,let us move to the next level. Show kindness to those that hurt you. There are many opportunities to do this, as you know, we see people each day that are not very happy and certainly lack kindness. Smile, and say something positive about them or perhaps the day, and leave it at that. And then listen for God. Once this comes easy, we shall move forward.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Understanding what God has placed in our life and accepting it with joy will bring us to holiness. It's in those daily life events that can lead us away from our calling. And, in many cases it can bring bitterness, resentments, and failure into our life. It's those difficulties that we need bring to the foot of the cross. Yes, it will be painful, but the fruit of our sufferings will lead us to Christ and one day to heaven.